counselling centre

“I was full of stress and anxiety and despair.
I was thinking that there is no hope for me, nothing is repairable any more and I am at the end of my life. Even thinking about the separation was killing me. I went through a very tough time, but you were always there and supporting me. I didn't go through those difficult days on my own, but you were also with me.
Praise the Lord I am doing better. I know that I can go forward and I could get stronger and stronger every day.
I am very happy that now I can make decisions about my life, or what I want to wear, or my talks and my relationships. I don't suffer from shaking hands, lack of appetite, continuous headaches, insecurities and anxieties, fear of continuing life or attending social gatherings any more and I have accepted myself and my new situation. My life has started with a new colour and I owe that to God and to you.”