Iran is home to one of the world's
oldest civilizations

And yet, despite its rich cultural heritage, today dis-ease and dis-harmony tear at its social fabric. High rates of drug abuse, corruption and suicide reveal the true colours of a nation sinking into hopelessness.

Amidst this fragile spiritual and socio-political landscape, God is working powerfully in what many believe to be one of the greatest movements to Christ today. The Beatidudinal gospel of Jesus Christ is capturing the hearts of many Iranians as they choose to follow Him as their Lord and Saviour. Underground house fellowships are rapidly mushrooming all over the country, forming worshipping communities that radiate Christ’s light both in rural and urban regions of the country. Iranian churches are also forming across the growing diaspora in Europe, North America and the Far East.


Believers from a Muslim background in Iran can experience tremendous suffering for their faith in Christ. Underground house fellowships are regularly raided, and believers are often harassed, thrown out of their jobs and expelled from universities. Leaders of house fellowships are frequently arrested, imprisoned, and forced to leave the country. Currently, Iran is positioned at Number 8 on the Open Doors World Watch List of places where it is most difficult to be a Christian.

About Pars

Pars was founded in 2010 by an interdenominational group of Iranian theologians, pastors and counsellors who were dreaming of an interdenominational hub for biblical, holistic and contextual leadership training for Iranians.

In January 2013, we matriculated our first small group of students and held our first Formation Conference. Now, 10 years later, the Lord has shaped us into a dynamic ministry, home to a blended Persian-language School of Theology and Leadership, the Iranian Leaders Forum, Pars Counselling Centre, a Publishing house and multiple online platforms devoted to discipleship and leadership formation.

Throughout these 10 years, we have been committed to cultivating a community of faithful and effective leaders who would bring the light of God’s presence to Iran and beyond.

Our Mission

Our mission is to equip and mobilize the Iranian church by training a new generation of biblically rooted, theologically informed and spiritually mature servant-leaders, committed to shepherd the church in loving God and neighbour, transforming the Persian-speaking world for the glory of God.

Fulfilling the Mission

We carry out our mission through the following four activities:

Grad Cap

Training Leaders

We train leaders to walk in God’s love and disciple God’s people – all for God’s mission in the Persian-speaking world. We do this through a blended Persian-language 3-year program offered through our School of Theology & Leadership.

Book Stack

Resourcing Leaders

We resource leaders through content delivered on our Shagerd Website, our weekly podcast, and by Translating and Publishing books on Bible, Theology, Church, Leadership, Discipleship and Missions.

Power Plug

Empowering Leaders

We empower leaders to respond in Christ-like ways to the challenges and opportunities arising out of the Persian-speaking church and society through our Mentoring Program, Counselling Center and Iranian Leaders Forum.


Mobilising Leaders

We mobilise leaders for evangelism, church planting, disciple-making and social action through our Ministerial Practice & Reflection Program.